This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries Request Materials

Request Materials

Document Delivery Services

OCLC Express Library Badge

Options Users Delivery Time Contact Info
InterLibrary Loan— [FAQ] [Policies]

Request materials owned by other libraries and have them delivered to AU Libraries (main or branches) for pick up or delivered electronically to your desktop.

AU Faculty, Retired Faculty, Staff & Enrolled Students * 1-3 weeks ILL Help
Phone: 334-844-1728
InfoQuest— [Rates]

Fee-based document delivery service providing rush options.

Non-Affiliated Users, Alumni, & AU Affiliated Users ? InfoQuest Help
Phone: 334-844-1786

文章和e书章交付给你吗lectronically from materials located in the AU Libraries.

AU Faculty, Staff, Grad/Distance Ed Students, Faculty, or Persons w/ Disabilities 2-4 business days ILL Help
Phone: 334-844-1728

Campus Delivery

Options Users Delivery Time Contact Info
Campus Delivery

Have library materials delivered to an Auburn University departmental office or between AU's Main and branch libraries.

AU Faculty, Retired Faculty, Staff & Enrolled Students 1-2 business days JP Pendleton
Phone: 334-844-4094

ALLIES (Alabama Libraries Exchange Service)

Options Users Delivery Time Contact Info

Place on-line requests and/or check out items from any of the ALLIES libraries provided they have an approved photo ID and meet the requirements of an ALLIES patron

AU Faculty, Retired Faculty, Staff & Enrolled Students 3-5 business days Participating Institutions
Last updated: 06/10/2022